Sunday, October 6, 2013

Whungee Wheengee Canyon

With a fairly quiet backcountry season for us this year due to circumstance, my attention has turned to canyoning of late. As much as I love exploring new canyons, some are worth repeating due to the interesting nature of the cold, dark constrictions that have been chiselled out over an age.

I had visited Whungee Wheengee Canyon over 15 years ago and have vague memories of a great trip, so when Scott called I was ready to go before dawn. Rob was along for the day and as usual, great company. The walk in saw the release of the weeks concerns drifting away layer by layer, and the surrounds gradually penetrate and cleanse the soul.

Working our way down to the Wollongambe river saw an abundance of colour with wildflowers out in bloom. It was a perfect blend of idle chatter and sensory saturation that lifted the spirit the way only the outdoors can.
After crossing the crystal clear waters of the Wollangambe river, we climbed the ridge and found our way to the drop in point. I've lost count how many times I've paddled across or down sections of this river and each time I'm impressed by it's unique beauty.
The canyon is quite an impressive one with many swims through pitch black tunnels and tight climbs in cold water. It makes for an adventurous feel to the day and just when you think the canyon is opening up again, you squeeze through a small hole amongst the boulders into the blackness.

Not long after this picture was taken, I slipped and the camera went under...It's a tough little unit that has been through a lot but after pouring the water out of it for the second time it may finally be due for retirement.

Just as we were starting to feel the cold, the ever so slightly warmer waters of the Wollangambe river were felt, and the last perfect vertical cleft was left behind. After a swim down to the exit point we had lunch before ascending back to the car. Another perfect day in the wild.

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